What’s a server? Do you need it?

A server is a computer you can connect to from your local pc. Its likle to have a chrome page open, but you are actualy connected to a remote computer. They are computers with high performance, such as a very fast internet connection, lots of ram and CPU. Cost depends on the settings you choose, you need a server if you don't have a good computer.

The number of tasks you can run on your pc depends on the CPU ram and internet connection. This is why if you want to run many tasks you must have a high-performance computer, so if you don't have a high-performance computer at home you need a server. It is not mandatory to have a server, you can also run the bots on your PC, the important thing is that it can manage the tasks you are running. Costs vary according to the characteristics of the server.

Some providers CONs and PROs:

AWS This type of server is consumption-based, which means that if you don't use it, your money won't be deducted. The cost depends on the type of server you choose and the features and of course how much you use it. The important thing to remember with AWS is to always stop and shut down the instance whenever you are done using the server, if by any chance you forget to leave the server running they will continue to scale your money and there is no way to avoid paying the final bill in case you forget to shut down the server. it is very useful if there should be few drops during the month, so if you don't use the server nothing will be deducted from you. When you choose the aws server choose it with windows base, do not use other operating systems. The good thing about aws is that when you use the server you will have windows already installed and you don't have to install it manually. How to Setup a Lightning Fast Server For Sneaker Botting | AWS Sneaker Server Tutorial for Beginners For better server management we recommend downloading the AWS app to always be sure you have the instance stopped when you are not using it and to also have server costs and usage and consumption statistics at hand more quickly , the app can be downloaded from both android and IOS. To make sure your instance is stopped just go to the instances section on the EC2 console and right click to stop it. If the status says: stopped then you can rest assured. Don't make a mistake and click "end activity" this function will eliminate your instance and you will not be able to recover what you saved on the server in any way.

Since aws servers can be very expensive, there are AWS CREDITS. What are AWS CREDITS? They are like money that you can add to your account to pay for the cost of maintaining the server. To have these credits you have to buy them from some providers, obviously the price for a total of credits will be lower than the amount of credits that will be given to you, in this way you can use the credits to pay for the server costs, saving more and more. The more amount of credits you are going to buy, the lower price you will have to pay.

Netcup Netcup is a very good server provider, it works really well but unlike AWS you have to pay for 6 months or a year and it doesn't go according to consumption, this means that your money will be deducted regardless if you use the server or not, the positive thing is that you will be able to use it without problems and without the worry of stopping it, so that your server will be able to run indefinitely without you paying more than your previously chosen contract. Unlike aws, the initial setup is a little more difficult, you will have to install windows manually and enable the internet connection manually in the settings. Furthermore, the windows license lasts 6 months, after which you will have to rearm windows for another 6 months using some commands in the command prompt. Later you will understand how to do it. Checkout the following video to understand better: Netcup Windows Server setup You can check how many days of windows license you have left until it expires, when 180 days have passed and you have purchased a license for one year you have to reactivate windows, i.e. you have to rearm it. If you don't do this every time you open and close the server it will shut down by itself and you will have to reactivate it from your netcup control panel. Re-Arm steps: - Open server - Go to commands prompt - Paste this and press enter: cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv - When the previous command finished paste the following one: cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rearm

This is a quick way to bypass windows license and get it for free for 6 months, obviously you can do it once per year, means you can't rearm windows license multiple times.

• Google Cloud

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