Addresses, unique addresses and jigging methods

Addresses in the accounts must be unique, each account must have a different address from the other. If there are accounts with the same written address, the revenue will be filtered by Nike.

The only way to make more income and have unique addresses is to ask for the address of friends, relatives, family members and so on.

Another way to make unique addresses is to use the jigging technique, it means that once you have taken an address, you create variants of that address by changing a few letters and modifying the name to create unique addresses which, however, all lead to the main address.

Some tips for jigging addresses:

  • The phone number can be anything, better if you use a phone number that the courier can call in case of problems.

  • The name can be random you can add the house number in street two add random letters in the address, use this calmly because the courier may not find your home.

  • The trick is to be creative, there is no specific rule on how to make address variations, the important thing is that you have to make sure that even if the address is jigged, the courier finds your home.

There are several paid tools that allow you to make many variants of your addresses, also bot em has a special module to create order variants.

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