“Let’s say monitor pings new stock of shoe coming in, say 10,15 pairs. There’s no point in going straight away, they usually don’t put them out for at least few hours after they come in. You can try and ask an employee, it worked once for me but another time the dude said “we don’t have them”, I came back two hours later and they had them on display. So for example, monitor pings shoes say around 10-11am and they put them out at 3-4pm Ish in Amsterdam (went at 12, asked but nothing and then afternoon it was selling out). Before the new manager was in, I managed to ask an employee to get pandas from the back and it worked once. Now, you have to try them on and they’re usually more reluctant nowadays. Also, the employee can just tell you they don’t have them, and there’s nothing you can do except ask someone else and if they like you, who knows? One time I asked for the lottery dunks, they went to check, said they don’t have it in my size, only 45+ but a 42.5 was out on display so I ended up buying it. 10 min later, they took out a size 41 to put it on display (my size). Anyways they can do what they want pretty much. Best time to go is when you see sales happening, like 1 or 2 after the other, usually means they’re on display at the store. Was talking to an employee in Amsterdam 2 days ago, he was telling me they can’t even backdoor pairs at all anymore cause of new manager. The employees can’t buy the shoes themselves, even when they’re out and customers buy them. They have a raffle system going on where they’re only allowed to get 10%ish of the stock (so super low compared to before, there’s maybe 20-30 employees trying for 1-2 pairs they can backdoor).

You have to be kinda smart and every time it’s a bit different. Right now in Amsterdam, they will ask for it to be your size, I had to bring a friend of mine to cop womens pairs for pandas. It’s also luck based.

So you have to try your luck and go ask the employees without being stupid about it. The only time that you can kinda be sure you can buy them is when you see a few check outs one after the other, so if you’re quick that’s good In my experience in Amsterdam, now that they have the try on your size, you’re more likely to get them cause they don’t sell out as fast but you have to try them on So the best thing to do is just go often and see what you can make out of it. “

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