
Accounts must have a phone number and must be verified. The best choice is to make a mix of bought accounts and handmade accounts.

There are many types of accounts and to have a good chance to cop follow these tips:

  • Verified with real sims and not virtual sims, if they are verified with virtual sims Nike will ask for number verification by message every drop.

  • Accounts must not have catchall emails (Nike is banning them heavy lately)

  • If you run in the EU region they must have EU sims, if they are accounts made in the DE region they don't necessarily have to have DE sims, they can also have numbers from another region. the important thing is that they are sim EU.

  • You can also use forwarded email accounts such as web de and outlooks, they work really good and you can easily manage all nike mails from a single mail.

  • Brand-new accounts usually require some drops before they start copping, usually 8-10 drops, you could be lucky and cop before but a bit of time it's required.

Last updated