Banned Accounts

We often hear about banned / clipped / softbanned accounts. But what does it mean when an account is banned? An account is banned when nike decides that account is banned, explaining it better: The only way to tell if an account is banned or not is to go to the nike profile settings from your desktop and check if your information is still available. The parameters you need to check are:

  • Email address

  • Telephone number

  • Account preferences

Use desktop, go to this link: and check if the information is still visible. Your account is banned only if when you reach your nike profile settings you get an error pop up saying: "we can't process your request". If you get this pop up try to refresh the page, if the pop up disappears and the account information is still visible then your account is safe, otherwise if even after refreshing the pop up it disappears but the information in settings disappear means your account is banned. To make sure your account is banned you need to try adding your email or phone number, if it still gives you an error then you won't be able to add the information anymore and it will mean your account will be banned permanently unless nike decides to unban it. Another situation may occur, that is, that even after updating the settings page all the information is visible except the telephone number. in that case it means that you most likely bought the account you are using from an accounts provider. You need to know that the account providers use phone numbers to verify accounts, it could happen sometimes that that number is used twice to verify two accounts instead of one (this thing shouldn't happen) so when two accounts are verified with the same phone number, the first account that was verified with that phone number will have their number removed and only the last number will be left, this is because nike doesn't want multiple accounts to be verified with the same phone number. It is said that this only happens in the event that multiple accounts are verified with a single phone number, it is likely that nike also decides to remove the phone number from some accounts, this could happen en masse as they may believe that certain accounts use fake phone numbers (or one time use). So in case you no longer find the saved phone number but all the other information is still present, your account is not banned, you can simply add a new phone number (from friends or relatives for example) and continue using it as you always have. For all these reasons, the best way is to create the accounts yourself by hand, but this has its drawbacks, namely that it takes a long time, you have to use proxies and have physical sims at home and you will also need to use an extension that switches proxies , all this will be explained in a specific step-by-step guide, so you will be able to create accounts independently. If you have banned accounts don't remove them from your bot and don't delete them! Nike bans thousands of accounts en masse from time to time without realizing what it's doing to keep the bot id from growing rightfully. So if you find some banned accounts don't remove them from your bot, because nike, as it decided to ban the accounts, can also decide to unban them as has already happened in the past. So the first thing to do is to remain calm and evaluate the situation, before spending more money on new accounts ask for advice the team will be happy to help you and give you an opinion, it is better not to let the accounts go a couple of drops and have them unlocked a few day after buy new accounts and waste money when old accounts can be unlocked directly from nike.

Last updated