Instore monitors and Instore checker tool

Nike store monitors are currently available for the following regions in Europe:

  • The Netherlands

  • Germany

  • Spain

  • France

  • Italy

  • United kingdom

  • Poland

  • Belgium

  • Espana

  • Austria

  • Portugal

  • Slovakia

  • Czech Republic

  • Denmark

  • Hungary

* Our store stock checker tool is available for ALL European countries *

Our Nike store monitors available in the Stashed discord will notify you whenever a sale has taken place or new stock has been added or when a restock takes place. It shows the location of the Nike store, an estimated amount of pairs available and when each size was last changed in Nike’s system. Most important thing to know is how each Nike store deals with customers differently. Our monitor can notify you about a restock in Amsterdam but it could be the manager backdooring a bunch of pairs which means just because the monitor notified a restock and/or release doesn’t mean they are 100% guaranteed available. Each store goes about things differently. If you see ‘Sale’ afer a size, it means that size was just sold (or backdoored). That’s a good way to see if pairs are available. Every time a sale takes place, our monitor will notify you.

The ‘Last changed at’ field gives you insight into when the most recent action took place. The more recent the time, the bigger the chance is someone just copped a pair. If, for example, our monitor notifies a restock with loads of pairs but the most recent ‘Last changed at’ time is days ago, it’s probably not accurate and worth going to the store for.

Keep in mind that each store is different and each manager does things differently. You are not entitled to a pair even if they have them available in store. We’ve experienced getting to know a store and how the manager goes about things makes it so much easier for you to cop on a weekly or daily basis.

If you just copped a pair instore and more are available, please be so kind as to share it with other members of the Stashed discord. Pay it forward.

Most importantly yet, don’t behave like a privileged idiot demanding things. This is a quick way of ever getting another pair for retail in that specific Nike store or any other store whatsoever. Don’t be that guy that’s looking pairs up on StockX while at the store or at least don’t get caught doing so.

The more times you go to a specific store, the faster you’ll learn how late they drop pairs and what their protocols are.

We often see monitor notifications that show dozens of pairs added but it could just be the store scanning pairs. It’s entirely possible they won’t sell them that day but a day or two later.

If you have any questions about copping at Nike stores for retail, we have a dedicated chatroom in instore-chat or click here to go there directly.

Last updated