3ds and solvers

3ds are bank confirmations required by the European Union to avoid fraud. Very often, especially in the most important drops and hyped, banks like revolut are unable to manage all the 3ds that arrive and consequently, they are not successful and the task fails to enter the raffle.

For this reason, some automatic solvers solve the 3ds challenges automatically. They are programs that are left to run on the computer and solve challenges automatically. The strongest at the moment are: • 3dyes:

Supported banks:

Revolut Revolut business Transferwise Bunq price: 20£/m

• Confirmless:

Supported banks: Revolut Revolut business price: 13£/m Both softwares mentioned above are for windows only, if you need 3ds solver for mac you can check HEKO Automation. IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that these types of software could suspend or ban your revolut account or the bank you are using because EU banks do not allow the use those type of software to accept 3ds challenges. So if you will use these softwares, contact the staff and use delays recommended by them. Do it on your own risk.

Last updated