Where to recruit people

Regarding people you know, it is very easy: you can start recruiting by text, but the best way is to talk them into running for you while being physically with them, as you can setup everything with them and be sure they understand everything you say. It’s actually kind of easy to recruit people you know, as you just have to send the same text massively to all your contacts and wait for answers.

On the contrary, it is harder to find people you don’t know that are actually willing to work for you. So here are some tips on where you can find such people: on internet groups for unemployed people (this is actually the best place to find such people), by having them come to you by sharing your proposal of a “job” on social medias or by talking to new people when you go out (parties, casinos, gym, …).

Note: Try to find people who don’t know about sneaker reselling (even if it is getting harder, people over 30 years old are usually a good target)

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