
As you know, Revolut offers different plans, and certainly the business plan is the best for botting because it allows you to have 200 virtual cards available. This method will allow you to have the Business plan without having a registered company with a VAT number. Using this method without having the necessary documents for a real company can be risky, so use it at your own risk. The risks you can take to have revolut business, regardless of the company you have, can be that revolut decides to block your funds for no reason for a limited period of time, or that they block your account and features at their discretion, or that they downgrading your account from business to standard. Furthermore Revolut bussiness has a lot of issues recently on Nike LEO drops unless you have non 3ds entries. We advise you to use revolut sparingly, regardless of whether it is business or not, only when strictly necessary, in order to use for nike botting and not have the account suspended for no reason or for having made many transactions.

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