
Your whole SNKRS App success is based on your Nike account. Nike tries to prevent bots from working on nike. As a method to stop botting they check if your account is a valid account. To be valid, each Nike account needs an unique phone number and an unique email address.

Also, Nike tracks the IP address your device has when trying to buy a shoe/entering a raffle. To be safe, do not enter more than 3 accounts from the same IP address if you are going manual.

If you are using a bot, use a 1:1 - task : proxy ratio to make sure you have enough virtual IP addresses for all your accounts in case some proxies get detected and blocked.

Additionally you will have to j1g (make as many address variants as you can, read the ultimate nike and snkrs botting guide to know more) your name and address if you are entering multiple times so you do not get considered an invalid account.

Besides that, not using the same payment methods is very important as this is another factor with which Nike is able to stop multiple accounts per person. You should not use the same credit card on more than 1 account. The same applies to PayPal.

Last updated