Frequently asked questions
Can I cancel my membership at any time? Yes. You can cancel your membership at any time from this link: https://stashedsnkrs.com/a/subscriptions/login If i cancelled my membership will i lose remaining days? Absolutely not! You won't lose remaining days, you can stay inside discord until end of your subscription. Our system will remove you out from the server as soon as the sub ends. Can I cop manually with my phone? Yes. Why is the stashed membership a must-have? The sneaker game is no longer what it used to be. Everything is selling out, in seconds. With the tools mentioned above, we make getting sneakers easier and help you create a collection of limited and hyped releases. Am I guaranteed to cop every release for retail? Although no other cookgroup can compete with the features, info and backdoor we provide. And although our members get a high amount of success. We can't guarantee success. Which payment methods do you accept? Apple pay, credit cards and PayPal are accepted. Is the membership for EU or US? We focus mostly on Europe. Will the membership help me if I just got started reselling or collecting sneakers? Absolutely. Within a few weeks you'll know everything there is to know. Whether you want to use bots, start your own reselling page, want to get more pairs manually or really anything else. We've got the tools to get you the success with reselling sneakers or creating and growing your collection.
Last updated