Server overview

Understand how the discord server works and see how its made

The server is divided into multiple main categories, within which there are specific channels. We have the following categories:

  • Welcome to stashed

  • Important

  • Live releases

  • Raffles

  • General

  • Sneaker investing

  • All-in-one monitors

  • PXsites

  • Social media monitors

  • NIKE monitors

  • NIKE instore

  • Adidas monitors

Each category has specific channels inside. It is recommended to go through the categories and enable or disable notifications for specific channels. It is a bit of effort in the beginning to set up the notifications to your liking, but this way the server will appear a lot less crowded and helps you keep up to date with what interests you. Each channel will be explained in further detail in the next paragraph so you can get a better overview of the server and better understand the functions of each one.

Last updated