NIKE monitors

This section is the most interesting of all, as you know about nike and snkrs stashed is able to control literally everything that happens in the nike world through monitors, tools, plugs and other things. It is very important that in this category you select only the channels where you want to receive notifications and mute those you don't want to be notified about. NIKE channels: #images: It's a custom tool that nobody has, it is able to capture all the products that nike loads in the backend instantly, so we can see the loaded pairs before anyone else. it is useful for understanding the pairs that will come out later, but also for quickly understanding if nike is uploading products for potential shockdrops, for example during snkrs live shows. We recommend turning off notifications for this channel, the team will be able to update you if something important happens. #nike-eu-restocks: restock by nike and snkrs, when you receive a notification from this monitor, if in the message the status appears as: Status ACTIVE then means that that product is available for purchase. How to buy it? you can directly click on the appropriate link below, as you can see written NIKE and SNKRS. To be directed to the right page you need to remember if that product was dropped on nike or snkrs. Let's take a concrete example:

#exclusive-access-eu: this monitor detects if snkrs or nike give exclusive access. As you know, exclusive accesses are given only to some lucky accounts (to find out more about how an exclusive access works, check the dedicated guide in the guides section).

Wait until 10 o'clock and click on the blue notification link or you can also go to the snkrs home page and scroll down, sometimes one method works and the other doesn't, we recommend you try both ways. #launches-eu has the same functionality as #launches-us active/mute notifications on your convenience. #backend-eu and #backend-us work in the same way. Whats backend? It’s Nike's visible (front) and invisible (back) end of the Nike and SNKRS app.

So what does all of this actually do and what’s the purpose of this NIKE backend guide? On some occasions, Nike drops and/or restocks certain pairs that are available for purchase ONLY via backend. If you’ve liked a bunch of (now sold out) shoes on your NIKE account and check your list, you’ll see that the product page isn’t live anymore. If this sneaker would restock, you wouldn’t be able to purchase it because the product page is not accessible. You can't do so much with backend at the moment, we'd suggest you to mute both. Finally we support the following regions for snkrs: - GB - NL - DE - FR - IT - PL - ES - CN - JP - US Active/mute notifications on your convenience.

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