Welcome to stashed
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This category is very important and it is recommended that you have notifications set to: "all messages". So just right-click on the category name and select the item: all messages. As described in the following images: DESKTOP: Right click on welcome to Stashed category name > notification settings > all messages
MOBILE: Touch and hold the Welcome to Stashed category > notification settings > all messages
We are at the beginning of the server, this category is the introduction to the stashed, it is very important and we strongly you suggest to read through all the channels.
Channels: #welcome: here you can find the link to manage your dashboard, which includes membership management. In the membership management you can update your payment information, stop your subscription or cancel it. The subscription can be deactivated at any time. The remaining days will remain valid until your subscription runs out. If the next month's payment is not made, you will automatically be kicked out of the discord server. Dashboard can be easily managed by clicking here: https://stashedsnkrs.com/a/subscriptions/login
#rules: this channel is self-explanatory. The server rules must be compulsorily followed otherwise you can incur penalties such as: (temporary) mute and/or ban without refund. We try to offer an exclusive service for you members and protect our product as described in our terms and conditions. ------------------ STASHED RULES:
No spamming or flooding the chat with messages (ex: make 1 post in m-important & not 5 separate ones that can be combined into 1).
No bashing or heated arguments towards other members in the chat. Respect everyone.
No controversial topics
No racist or degrading content (racial terms are not allowed).
No advertising other sites/discord servers/services (Permission must be requested from the Admins).
No offensive names.
Do not promote cracked bots/software.
Do not cause a nuisance in the community, repeated complaints from several members will lead to either a temporary or permanent ban.
Do not argue with admins & mods.
Do not troll.
Do not have conversations in channels other than chat. (ie; post your announcement in m-important and then continue conversation inside chat).
Dont add exisint info from other channels in #m-important, write there useful things only for other members. Having chat here will result in a temporary mute + warn
LEAKING Its strictly forbidden, this will result in a ban with no refund.
#roles: Roles in discord servers are essential and needed. They are used to avoid spam and to be notified only of what is relevant to you. React on the respective emoji to take that specific role. We have 2 different categories of roles:
United States Poland Spain France Netherlands Germany Italy United Kingdom
Take the role of your region, if the region is not specified don't worry, most of the releases and monitored sites ship all over europe, so you will be notified in case a specific site shouldn't ship to your country or if there should be of the restrictions. Take this roles to be pinged for:
OTHER ROLES: Demandware: Snipes and Solebox restock, early links, drops, raffle, raffle stock Investing: Investments on secondary markets, like: buying sneakers for resell price and hold them for a certain period of time to maximize the profit.
Giveaways: Free prizes for example during stashed party event (stashed party event happens random during sunday days, which you can join crazy giveaways like: nitros, free months in stashed, stashed membership discounts, snkrs accounts from our partners, discounted bot keys/proxies/tools/scripts...
Hold Or Sell: This is self explanatory, take this role if you want to know what do to with a particular pair, our team studies and monitors the market every week, analyzes the prices and studies some specific periods of the year in which particular cw can make the prices increase according to the seasons and many other factors such as stock, collaborations and so on. Take this role if you have some capital and can keep pairs at home for a few months waiting for better prices.
Groupbuys: What is a group buy? It's basically when a cookgroup asks bots/proxies/tools companies which maybe are out of stock for normal people, to do a "collaboration". collaborations occurs only if there is enough interest from the group members who want to buy that particular thing. Take this role if you want to be notified for future groupuys.
Lowkey flips: There's more than just sneakers, you can also make money in many other ways. For example by reselling Lego, Pokemon cards, reselling concert tickets or via NFTs/crypto and so on. If you take this role you will be notified for secondary ways how to make money (they are called "lowkey flips" because few people are aware of these ways. The word "Flip" means something that is bought at a price and resold for an higher price).
Footdistrict: This role is only useful if you have a verified footdistrict account, otherwise there is no point in taking it. Why? because this site only allows verified users (those who have a verified account with phone number) to join raffles and participate in drops. From time to time footdistrict has events in which it allows some users to get a verified account, for example through small video games. In any case you will be notified in the main channels when this site gives the possibility to verify your foodistrict account. FootlockerEU: This site is very banged up, so if you don't have a bot that supports footlocker there's no point in having the role. Zal: In addition to being botted, this site is also a bit restrictive because it only allows some accounts to add things to the cart and only allows some accounts to be able to buy them. Accounts that can add hyped products (for example nike dunk low panda) are called cartable accounts, and if you don't have these accounts and a bot that works on zalando you can skip this role.