The CLI can come in handy in many circumstances, make sure you know how to use it! Using the CLI a file called "cli-settings" will be created on your desktop. This file is used to manage your chrome users, now let's see how to do it.

Follow these steps:

  • Create a new chrome user using the icon at the top right next to the three dots.

  • Continue without account

  • Keep the check on "Create a shortcut on the desktop"

  • Go to your desktop and right-click on the shortcut you just created.

  • Click on property>Copy destination>Open the file "cli-settings" and paste the Destination

Remember that the data is not shared between chrome users so you will have to export it from your main profile and insert it in other chrome users.

You did it, now you just need to use the CLI commands or press the "SHARE" button on the site you want to open the link on all chrome instances.

  • If you want to control multiple chrome instances, repeat the procedure several times by going to the "cli-settings" file. Example: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 1" "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 2"

Remember that CLI is working on windows only. MAC is not supported.

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